Ring Out

Ring Out – Ray Lee

Dydd Sadwrn 15 a Dydd Sul 16 Medi 2018

  • 12yp – Ring Out
  • 1yp – Aphelion
  • 2yp – Ring Out

Eglwys y Drindod Sanctaidd, Llandudno | am ddim

Daw’r artist sain, Ray Lee, sydd wedi ennill gwobrau am ei waith, â’i gerflun sain rhyng weithiol enfawr yn yr awyr agored i Gymru mewn cydweithrediad arbennig â chanwyr clychau Gogledd Cymru.

Mae Ring Out yn sioe weledol a cherddorol ddramatig yn yr awyragored. Mae wyth tŵr metel enfawr, oll yn bum metr o uchder, yn dal uchelseinyddion crog. Mae’r ‘cyrn sain’ hyn yn siglo yn ôl ac ymlaen gan greu cytgord unigryw a swynol sy’nein hatgoffa o sain clychau.

Mae Ring Out yn parhau gyda chyfuniad arbennig Ray Lee o saina cherfluniau symudol sy’n mwyhau celfyddydau stryd mewn mannau cyhoeddus.

Mewn cyfnewidfa gyffrous, bydd y Canwyr Clychau lleol yn gweithredu’rcyrn sain Ring Out ac yn perfformiosgôr newydd, Aphelion wedi’i hysgrifennu yn arbennig gan Ray Leei’w chanu o’u tŵr clychau eu hunain yn Eglwys y Drindod Sanctaidd.

Addas i bob oedran.

About the Artist

Ray Lee makes music that moves. He is an award winning sound artist and composer who creates spinning, whirling, and pendulous sound installations and performances that explore ‘circles of ether’, the invisible forces that surround us. His immersive and mesmerising works such as the world-wide hit Siren, the Ethometric Museum and his monumental outdoor work Chorus aim to make contemporary music accessible and engaging for a wide audience.

He is a Professor in Sound Art at Oxford Brookes University.

I build machines that make sound. The fact that they often move means that the sound itself is being modulated by the movement. In my approach it is not possible for me to have the sound in any way separate to the physical structure, object, or machine that produces the sound.

What I’m trying to do is to create intensely live musical experiences for my audience, experiences that you have to witness first-hand, and experiences that you share with the rest of the audience.” – Ray Lee

Press quotes from reviews of previous work:

“Mesmerizing” – New Yorker

“like ingesting a mild hallucinogen” – Plank, Vancouver

“Utterly wonderful,” – Editor, New Scientist



Cyflwynwyd gan Soundlands mewn partneriaeth â LLAWN06 a mewn cydweithiad gyda’r Eglwys y Drindod Sanctaidd. Mae Soundlands yn cael ei ariannu gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.

Gyda diolch i Eglwys y Drindod Sanctaidd a Cymdeithas Canwyr Clychau Eglwys Gogledd Cymru.


  • Cyfansoddwr – Ray Lee
  • Comisiynu – Soundlands
  • A ariennir gan – Arts Council of Wales
  • Perfformwyr – Holy Trinity Church Bell Ringers
  • Tŵr – Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno

Ring Out

  • Cysyniad a Dyluniad – Ray Lee
  • Cyd-ddyluniad a gwneuthuriad – Martin West, 101 Outdoor Arts Creation Centre
  • Cynhyrchu – Simon Chatterton
  • Comisiynu – Oxford Contemporary Music
  • Comisiynu – PRSF New Music Biennial 2017, Arts Council England, Oxford Brookes University
  • Comisiynu – Martin West, James Ball, Edward Collins, Graham Elstone, Tony James, Rob Lee
  • Perfformwyr – Holy Trinity Church Bell Ringers

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