Hanes Celf Sain

Hanes Celf Sain – Dr. J. Milo Taylor (Lloegr)

Tuesday 26 – Friday 28 January 2011, 10.30am – 4.30pm
Bangor Museum & Art Gallery

85 min stereo audio composition
arranged and composed by Dr. J. Milo Taylor
mixed by Joel Cahen

The History of Sound Art is an eighty-five minute audio composition commissioned from Dr J Milo Taylor, a unique historical document of the last one hundred and twenty years of sound art.

An engaging sound collage retrospective of sound art covering the years from Edison’s work in the the late 19th century to recent sound art work including samples, interviews and narratives.


Presented by Soundlands for Bangor Sound City in association with Pontio.

Thanks to the University of Bangor Museum & Art Gallery.

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